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J/MNRAS/XXX/XXX 9C Survey at 15 GHz - first three regions (Waldram+, 2003)    
9C: A survey of radio sources at 15GHz with the Ryle Telescope 
    Waldram, E.M., Pooley, G.G., Grainge, K.J.B., Jones, M.E.,  
    Saunders, R.D.E., Scott, P.F., Taylor, A.C. 
    = 2003MNRAS.342..915W       (SIMBAD/NED BIBCODE)  
ADC_Keywords: Radio sources ; Surveys 
Keywords: catalogues - surveys - radio continuum: general 
The 9C survey of radio sources is being made with the Ryle Telescope at a 
frequency of 15.2 GHz and a resolution of 25 x 25 cosec(dec) arcsec^2. 
The regions surveyed correspond to the fields chosen for the CMB observations 
of the Very Small Array, rather than forming one large contiguous area. 
The catalogues currently available on ftp cover three circular areas: 
Region      RA, Dec of centre (J2000)        Radius (deg)    No. of sources 
0020+30    00h 17m 36.5s   30d 16m 39s          5.5               84 
0940+32    09h 40m 57.7s   31d 46m 21s          6.0              103  
1540+43    15h 36m 42.7s   43d 20m 11s          5.0               55        
These source lists are complete to ~25 mJy and at present no sources are  
included below that level. We estimate that the position accuracy is better  
than 10 arcsec and that the uncertainty in the flux densities is ~ 5%.      
File Summary: 
FileName     Lrecl  Records     Explanations 
ReadMe          80        .     This file 
0020p30.dat     79       84     9C sourcelist of  84 sources 
0940p32.dat     79      103     9C sourcelist of 103 sources 
1540p43.dat     79       55     9C sourcelist of  55 sources 
Byte-by-byte Description of file: *.dat 
   Bytes   Format  Units   Label     Explanations 
   1- 12   A12     ---     Name      Source name J2000 
  17- 18   I2      h       RAh       Right Ascension J2000 
  20- 21   I2      min     RAm       Right Ascension J2000 
  23- 26   F4.1    s       RAs       Right Ascension J2000 
      28   A1      ---     DE-       Declination J2000 (sign) 
  29- 30   I2      deg     DEd       Declination J2000 
  32- 33   I2      arcmin  DEm       Declination J2000 
  35- 36   I2      arcsec  DEs       Declination J2000 
  41- 42   I2      h       RA1950h   Right Ascension B1950 
  44- 45   I2      min     RA1950m   Right Ascension B1950 
  47- 50   F4.1    s       RA1950s   Right Ascension B1950 
      52   A1      ---     DE1950-   Declination B1950 (sign) 
  53- 54   I2      deg     DE1950d   Declination B1950 
  56- 57   I2      arcmin  DE1950m   Declination B1950 
  59- 60   I2      arcsec  DE1950s   Declination B1950 
  65- 69   F5.3    Jy      S         Flux density 
  74- 79   A6      ---     Date      Date of observation yymmdd 
(End)                                Sally Hales [MRAO]          08-April-2003