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J/MNRAS/404/1005   Deep 15GHz survey  (9C continued)   (Waldram+, 2010)
9C continued: results from a deeper radio-source survey at 15GHz.
    Waldram E.M., Pooley G.G., Davies M.L., Grainge K.J.B., Scott P.F.
ADC_Keywords: Radio sources ; Surveys ; Radio continuum
Keywords: catalogues - surveys - cosmic microwave background -
          radio continuum: general - galaxies: evolution

    The 9C survey of radio sources with the Ryle Telescope at 15.2GHz
    was set up to survey the fields of the cosmic microwave background
    telescope, the Very Small Array. In our first paper we described three
    regions of the survey, constituting a total area of to a completeness
    limit of ~ 25mJy. Here we present results from series of deeper
    regions, amounting to an area of 115deg^2^ complete to ~ 10mJy and of
    29deg^2^ complete to ~ 5.5mJy. The compound source catalogue contains
    a total of 643 sources.

File Summary:
 FileName    Lrecl  Records   Explanations
ReadMe          80        .   This file
9c_cont.dat     57      643     9C sourcelist of 643 sources (15.2GHz)

See also:
    J/MNRAS/342/915 : 9C survey at 15GHz (Waldram+, 2003)

Byte-by-byte Description of file: 9c_cont.dat
  Bytes Format  Units   Label  Explanations
   1-  2  A2    ---     ---    [9C]
   3- 13  A11   ---     Name   9C source designation J2000 (JHHMM+DDMMa)
      15  A1    ---     Dflag  [D ] D if from one of deeper regions (1)
  18- 19  I2    h       RAh    Right Ascension J2000
      20  A1    ---     ---    [:]
  21- 22  I2    min     RAm    Right Ascension J2000
      23  A1    ---     ---    [:]
  24- 27  F4.1  s       RAs    Right Ascension J2000
      29  A1    ---     DE-    Declination J2000 (sign)
  30- 31  I2    deg     DEd    Declination J2000
      32  A1    ---     ---    [:]
  33- 34  I2    arcmin  DEm    Declination J2000
      35  A1    ---     ---    [:]
  36- 37  I2    arcsec  DEs    Declination J2000
  40- 45  F6.4  Jy      S      15.2GHz flux density from subsequent
                                   pointed observation
  48- 53  A6  "YYMMDD"  Date   Date of observation yymmdd
  56- 57  A2    ---     Mflag  [be? ] binary/extended source morphology flag (2)
Note (1): Origin of source data:
      D indicates detected in one of deeper survey regions complete to ~5.5mJy;
      blank otherwise (overall survey complete to ~10mJy)

Note (2): Source morphology as follows, if not blank:
     b  = indicates binary
     e  = extended
     e? = possibly extended

   * 20-May-2010: From Sally Hales [MRAO]
(End)        Sally Hales [MRAO], Francois Ochsenbein [CDS]           19-May-2010