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Candidate GPS sources near the North Celestial Pole

Mingaliev, M. G.; Sotnikova, Yu. V.; Larionov, M.G.; Erkenov, A. K.

AA(Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences;,
Southern Federal University (Rostov State University)),
AB(Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences), AC(Astro Space Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences), AD(Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Astronomy Reports, Volume 55, Issue 3, pp.187-192 (ARep Homepage)


2011ARep...55..187Mingaliev M.G.+
Candidate GPS sources near the North Celestial Pole
(arXiv: none; downloaded via cut-and-paste from e-Journal  09/2012)


Results of observations of the five candidate GPS sources J0626+8202,
J0726+7911, J1044+8054, J1823+7938, and J1935+8130 are presented. GPS
sources are extragalactic sources whose spectral peaks are near several
GHz. These objects were observed on the RATAN-600 radio telescope from
1999 through 2010 at 1.1, 2.3, 4.8, 7.7, 11.2, and 21.7 GHz. These radio
sources were selected from a complete sample ( Sv> 200mJy) in the vicinity
of the North Celestial Pole (77d-88d) four are considered as GPS candidates
for the first time here. Their spectral properties, variability and
morphology are analyzed, and confirms that these can be classified as
GPS sources. These four to five GPS sources probably comprise a complete
sample of this class of object in this region of the celestial sphere.

 Notes. Column designation:
 1) NVSS source name (J2000)
 2) optical class and redshift (NASA/IPAC NED);
 3) type of RATAN-600 spectra
 4) observation epochs at RATAN-600 [yyyy.mm]
 5-10) flux densities and their uncertainties for the corresponding frequencies,
     including the uncertainty in the source's antenna temperature and the calibration curve.

 NOTE: for J213638+004154  the 7.7-GHz flux lacked the leading "1"
 for two epochs, 2007.09 and 2008.11: 0.007 replaced with 10.007, and 0.165 with 10.165, respectively
			   (H. Andernach 09/2012)

 Table 2. The flux densities of GPS sources and candidates for several epochs (RATAN-600 observations 2006-2010)
	     (N = 597 epochs for 122 sources; 3443 flux density measurements)
NVSS name    Type, sptyp  Data    S_21.7GHz +-  S_11.2GHz +-  S_7.7GHz +-   S_4.8GHz +-  S_2.3GHz +-   S_1.1GHz +-
	       z        yyyy.mm      (Jy)          (Jy)         (Jy)          (Jy)          (Jy)           (Jy)       RADEC 2000