1998MNRAS.300..790W -------------------- Interferometer phase calibration sources - III. The regions +20<=delta_B1950 <=+35 deg and +75<=delta_B1950<=+90 deg Wilkinson, P. N.; Browne, I. W. A.; Patnaik, A. R.; Wrobel, J. M.; Sorathia, B. AA(University of Manchester, Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank, Macclessfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL), AB(University of Manchester, Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank, Macclessfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL), AC(University of Manchester, Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank, Macclessfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL), AD(National Radio Astronomy Observatory, PO Box O, Socorro, New Mexico 87801, USA), AE(University of Manchester, Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank, Macclessfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 300, Issue 3, pp. 790-816. Date 11/1998 INSTRUMENTATION: INTERFEROMETERS, CATALOGUES, SURVEYS, ASTROMETRY, RADIO CONTINUUM: GENERAL MNRAS 1998 The Royal Astronomical Society Abstract We present a catalogue of 540 compact radio sources in the declination ranges +20<=delta_B1950<=+35 deg and +75<=delta_B1950<=+90 deg, the positions of which have been measured to an rms accuracy of about 55 mas with the Very Large Array (VLA). These sources are primarily intended for use as phase calibration sources for MERLIN. However, they will also be suitable as phase calibrators for the VLA and can be considered as candidate phase calibrators for very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) networks. The columns of the Tables 2, 3 and 4 are organised as follows. ------------------------------------------------------------- Col 1. Source name derived from B1950 coordinates. Col 2. Source name derived from J2000 coordinates. Col 3. Right ascension (hour, min, sec) in J2000. Col 4. Declination (deg, arcmin, arcsec) in J2000. Col 5. Total flux density in mJy at 8.4~GHz. Col 6. Peak flux density in mJy per beam at 8.4~GHz. Col 7. Comments about the source, mainly regarding structure. Terms have the following meaning: ext - extension; sec - secondary component; @ - position angle in degrees with separation in arcsec; res - resolved; sli - slightly; vlbi - quoted position is from the VLBI catalogues of Ma et al. (1990) and Russell et al. (1991), with additional source positions provided by Dr J.L. Russell; image - map presented in this paper (see Figure A1 and Table A1 in Appendix A1). Notes: * position derived from 1992 October observations hence rms uncertainty 0.010" in each coordinate. throw to calibrator >12d hence position error may exceed 0.100" (see text).