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!!!New LoTSS Data Release 2 (DR2)

2022A&A...659...A1Shimwell+ LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey V. Second data release

J/A+A/622/A1     LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey DR1 source catalog (Shimwell+, 2019)
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. II. First data release.
    Shimwell T.W., Tasse C., Hardcastle M.J., Mechev A.P., Williams W.L.,
    Best P.N., Rottgering H.J.A., Callingham J.R., Dijkema T.J.,
    De Gasperin F., Hoang D.N., Hugo B., Mirmont M., Oonk J.B.R., Prandoni I.,
    Rafferty D., Sabater J., Smirnov O., Van Weeren R.J., White G.J.,
    Atemkeng M., Bester L., Bonnassieux E., Bruggen M., Brunetti G.,
    Chyzy K.T., Cochrane R., Conway J.E., Croston J.H., Danezi A., Duncan K.,
    Haverkorn M., Heald G.H., Iacobelli M., Intema H.T., Jackson N.,
    Jamrozy M., Jarvis M.J., Lakhoo R., Mevius M., Miley G.K., Morabito L.,
    Morganti R., Nisbet D., Orru E., Perkins S., Pizzo R.F., Schrijvers C.,
    Smith D.J.B., Vermeulen R., Wise M.W., Alegre L., Bacon D.J.,
    Van Bemmel I.M., Beswick R.J., Bonafede A., Botteon A., Bourke S.,
    Brienza M., Calistro Rivera G., Cassano R., Clarke A.O., Conselice C.J.,
    Dettmar R.J., Drabent A., Dumba C., Emig K.L., Ensslin T.A., Ferrari C.,
    Garrett M.A., Genova-santos R.T., Goyal A., Gurkan G., Hale C.,
    Harwood J.J., Heesen V., Hoeft M., Horellou C., Jackson C., Kokotanekov G.,
    Kondapally R., Kunert-bajraszewska M., Mahatma V., Mahony E.K., Mandal S.,
    Mckean J.P., Merloni A., Mingo B., Miskolczi A., Mooney S.,
    Nikiel-wroczynski B., O'sullivan S.P., Quinn J., Reich W., Roskowinski C.,
    Rowlinson A., Savini F., Saxena A., Schwarz D.J., Shulevski A.,
    Sridhar S.S., Stacey H.R., Urquhart S., Van Der Wiel M.H.D., Varenius E.,
    Webster B., Wilber A.
   =2019A&A...622A...1S    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
ADC_Keywords: Surveys ; Radio sources
Keywords: surveys - catalogs - radio continuum: general -
          techniques: image processing

    The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) is an ongoing sensitive,
    high-resolution 120-168MHz survey of the entire northern sky for
    which observations are now 20% complete. We present our first
    full-quality public data release. For this data release 424 square
    degrees, or 2% of the eventual coverage, in the region of the HETDEX
    Spring Field (right ascension 10h45m00s to 15h30m00s and declination
    45{deg}00'00'' to 57{deg}00'00'') were mapped using a fully automated
    direction-dependent calibration and imaging pipeline that we
    developed. A total of 325694 sources are detected with a signal of at
    least five times the noise, and the source density is a factor of ~10
    higher than the most sensitive existing very wide-area radio-continuum
    surveys. The median sensitivity is S_144MHz_=71{mu}Jy/beam and the
    point-source completeness is 90% at an integrated flux density of
    0.45mJy. The resolution of the images is 6'' and the positional
    accuracy is within 0.2''. This data release consists of a catalogue
    containing location, flux, and shape estimates together with 58 mosaic
    images that cover the catalogued area. In this paper we provide an
    overview of the data release with a focus on the processing of the
    LOFAR data and the characteristics of the resulting images. In two
    accompanying papers we provide the radio source associations and
    deblending and, where possible, the optical identifications of the
    radio sources together with the photometric redshifts and properties
    of the host galaxies. These data release papers are published together
    with a further ~20 articles that highlight the scientific potential of

    In this paper we focus on 63 LoTSS data sets (2% of the total survey)
    in the region of the HETDEX Spring Field that were observed between
    2014 May 23 and 2015 October 15. Each 8h observation was bookended by
    10min calibrator observations (primarily 3C 196 and 3C 295) and the
    data are archived with a time resolution of 1s and a frequency
    resolution of 16 channels per 195.3kHz sub-band (SB) by the

    This catalogue DR1 contains 325694 radio sources, has a source density of
    770 sources per square degree and a point-source completeness of 90%
    at an integrated flux density of 0.45mJy.

In this data release from the ongoing LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR)
Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) we present 120-168 MHz images covering 27%
of the northern sky. Our coverage is split into two regions centred at
approximately 12h45m +44d30 and 01h00m +28d00,
and spanning 4178 and 1457 square degrees respectively. The images were
derived from 3,451 hrs (7.6 PB) of LOFAR High Band Antenna data which
were corrected for the direction-independent instrumental properties as
well as direction-dependent ionospheric distortions during extensive,
but fully automated, data processing. A catalogue of 4,396,228 radio
sources is derived from our total intensity (Stokes I) maps, where the
majority of these have never been detected at radio wavelengths before.
At 6'' resolution, our full bandwidth Stokes I continuum maps with
a central frequency of 144 MHz have: a median rms sensitivity of 83
muJy/beam; a flux density scale accuracy of approximately 10%; an
astrometric accuracy of 0.2''
and we estimate the point-source completeness to be 90% at a peak
brightness of 0.8 mJy/beam. By creating three 16 MHz bandwidth images
across the band we are able to measure the in-band spectral index of
many sources, albeit with an error on the derived spectral index of >
+-0.2 which is a consequence of our flux-density scale accuracy and small
fractional bandwidth. Our circular polarisation (Stokes V) 20''
resolution 120-168 MHz continuum images have a median rms sensitivity
of 95 % Jy/beam, and we estimate a Stokes I to Stokes V leakage of
0.056%. Our linear polarisation (Stokes Q and Stokes U) image cubes
consist of 480 97.6 kHz wide planes and have a median rms sensitivity
per plane of 10.8 mJy/beam at 4' and 2.2mJy/beam at 20''
we estimate the Stokes I to Stokes Q/U leakage to be approximately
0.2%. Here we publicly release our Stokes I, Q, U and V images in
addition to the calibrated uv-data to facilitate the thorough scientific
exploitation of this unique dataset.

The data are described by Shimwell et al (2022). Below we provide links
to various ways to access the data and catalogues. Please cite the survey
paper and see our credits pages if using these images for science.

File Summary:
 FileName      Lrecl  Records   Explanations
ReadMe            80        .   This file
lotssdr1.dat     197   325694   LoTSS-DR1 source catalogue
merge.dat       1416   318520   Value added radio source catalogue of LoTSS-DR1

See also:
 J/A+A/622/A4  : LOFAR observations XMM-LSS field (Hale+, 2019)
 J/A+A/622/A8  : NGC 3184, 4736, 5055 and 5194 LOFAR + WSRT maps (Heesen+, 2019)
 J/A+A/622/A11 : LoTSS/HETDEX. Optical quasars. I. (Guerkan+, 2019)
 J/A+A/622/A13 : VLA double-double radio galaxy candidates images
                                                               (Mahatma+, 2019)
 J/A+A/622/A15 : Broad absorption line quasars in LDR1 (Morabito+, 2019)
 J/A+A/622/A22 : Abell 1914 multiwavelength radio images (Mandal+, 2019)
 J/A+A/622/A23 : LoTSS HCG and MLCG systems (Nikiel-wroczynski+, 2019)
 J/A+A/623/A71 : LOTSS HETDEX Faraday depth cube (Van Eck+, 2019)

 https://lofar-surveys.org/releases.html : LOFAR Home Page

Byte-by-byte Description of file: lotssdr1.dat
   Bytes Format Units     Label    Explanations
   1- 22  A22   ---       Source   Source name (ILTJHHMMSS.ss+DDMMSS.s)
  24- 31  F8.4  deg       RAdeg    Right ascension (J2000)
  33- 36  F4.1  arcsec  e_RAdeg    rms uncertainty on RA
  38- 41  F4.1  arcsec  e_RAdegTot Total rms uncertainty on RA
  43- 50  F8.4  deg       DEdeg    Declination (J2000)
  52- 55  F4.1  arcsec  e_DEdeg    rms uncertainty on DE
  57- 60  F4.1  arcsec  e_DEdegTot Total rms uncertainty on DE
  62- 67  F6.1 mJy/beam   Speak    Peak flux at 120-168MHz
  69- 72  F4.1 mJy/beam e_Speak    rms uncertainty on peak flux
  74- 79  F6.1 mJy/beam e_SpeakTot Total rms uncertainty on peak flux
  81- 87  F7.1  mJy       Sint     Total flux at 120-168MHz
  89- 92  F4.1  mJy     e_Sint     rms uncertainty on total flux
  94- 99  F6.1  mJy     e_SintTot  Total rms uncertainty on total flux
 101-105  F5.1  arcsec    Maj      Major axis
 107-111  F5.1  arcsec  e_Maj      rms uncertainty on major axis
 113-117  F5.1  arcsec    Min      Minor axis
 119-123  F5.1  arcsec  e_Min      rms uncertainty on minor axis
 125-129  F5.1  arcsec    DCMaj    Deconvolved major axis
 131-135  F5.1  arcsec  e_DCMaj    rms uncertainty on deconvolved major axis
 137-141  F5.1  arcsec    DCMin    Deconvolved minor axis
 143-147  F5.1  arcsec  e_DCMin    rms uncertainty on deconvolved minor axis
 149-153  F5.1  deg       PA       Position angle
 155-159  F5.1  deg     e_PA       rms uncertainty on position angle
 161-165  F5.1  deg       DCPA     Deconvolved on position angle
 167-171  F5.1  deg     e_DCPA     rms uncertainty on deconvolved position angle
 173-177  F5.2 mJy/beam   rms      Local noise at the position of the source
     179  A1    ---       Type     Type of source as classified by PyBDSF (G1)
 181-191  A11   ---       Mosaic   Mosaic identifier
 193-197  I5    ---       Npoint   Number of pointing

Byte-by-byte Description of file: merge.dat
   Bytes   Format Units     Label     Explanations
    1-  22  A22   ---       Source    Source name (ILTJHHMMSS.ss+DDMMSS.s) 
   24-  31  F8.4  deg       RAdeg     Right ascension (J2000) (RA)
   33-  36  F4.1  arcsec  e_RAdeg     rms uncertainty on RA (E_RA)
   38-  45  F8.4  deg       DEdeg     Declination (J2000) (DEC)
   47-  50  F4.1  arcsec  e_DEdeg     rms uncertainty on DE (E_DEC)
   52-  57  F6.1 mJy/beam   Speak     Peak flux (Peak_flux)
   59-  62  F4.1 mJy/beam e_Speak     rms uncertainty on peak flux (E_Peak_flux)
   64-  70  F7.1  mJy       Sint      Total flux (Total_flux)
   72-  75  F4.1  mJy     e_Sint      rms uncertainty on total flux 
   77-  81  F5.1  arcsec    Maj       ? Major axis (Maj)
   83-  87  F5.1  arcsec  e_Maj       ? rms uncertainty on major axis (E_Maj)
   89-  93  F5.1  arcsec    Min       ? Minor axis (Min)
   95-  99  F5.1  arcsec  e_Min       ? rms uncertainty on minor axis (E_Min)
  101- 105  F5.1  arcsec    DCMaj     ? Deconvolved major axis (DC_Maj)
  107- 111  F5.1  arcsec  e_DCMaj     ? rms uncertainty on deconvolved major 
                                       axis (E_DC_Maj)
  113- 117  F5.1  arcsec    DCMin     ? Deconvolved minor axis (DC_Min)
  119- 123  F5.1  arcsec  e_DCMin     ? rms uncertainty on deconvolved minor 
                                       axis (E_DC_Min)
  125- 129  F5.1  deg       PA        ? Position angle (PA)
  131- 135  F5.1  deg     e_PA        ? rms uncertainty on position angle (E_PA)
  137- 141  F5.1  deg       DCPA      ? Deconvolved on position angle (DC_PA)
  143- 147  F5.1  deg     e_DCPA      ? rms uncertainty on deconvolved 
                                       position angle (E_DC_PA)
  149- 153  F5.2 mJy/beam   rms       Local noise at the position of the source 
       155  A1    ---       Type      Type of source as classified by PyBDSF 
                                       (S_Code) (G1)
  157- 167  A11   ---       Mosaic    Mosaic identifier (Mosaic_ID)
  169- 173  I5    ---       MaskFrac  ? The fraction of the source that is in 
                                       the CLEAN mask (Masked_Fraction)
  175- 176  I2    ---       Idflag    Flag indicating the origin of the optical 
                                       identification (ID_flag) (1)
  178- 204  A27   ---       IdName    PanSTARRs, AllWISE, 2MASX or SDSS name of 
                                       optical identification (ID_name)
  206- 213  F8.4  deg       RAodeg    ? Right ascension of optical 
                                       identification (J2000) (ID_ra)
  215- 222  F8.4  deg       DEodeg    ? Declination of optical identification 
                                       (J2000) (ID_dec)
  224- 233  F10.5 ---       MLLR      ? Likelihood ratio from maximum likelihood
                                       analysis (ML_LR)
  235- 241  F7.2  arcsec    LGZsize   ? Length of the largest diameter of the 
                                       convex hull around the set of component 
                                       elliptical Gaussians (LGZ_Size)
  243- 249  F7.3  arcsec    LGZwidth  ? Twice the maximum perpendicular distance
                                       of points on the convex hull to the 
                                       largest diameter line  (LGZ_Width)
  251- 257  F7.3  deg       LGZPA     ? The position angle on the sky, measured 
                                       east of north, of that largest diameter 
  259- 260  I2    ---       LGZassoc  ? Number of sources in the LGZ association
  262- 265  F4.2  ---     q_LGZassoc  [0/1]? LGZ association quality flag 
       267  I1    ---     q_IdName    [0/1]? LGZ identification quality flag 
  269- 290  A22   ---       Deblend   Name of PyBDSF multiple Gaussian component
                                       source from which this source was 
                                       deblended (Deblended_from)
  292- 310  A19   ---       AllWISE   Name of the source in the AllWISE catalog
  312- 329  A18   ---       objID     The PanSTARRs object ID (objID)
  331- 352 E22.15 uJy       Fgapf     ? PanSTARRs g-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry flux (gFApFlux)
  354- 375 E22.15 uJy     e_Fgapf     []? PanSTARRs g-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry flux error (gFApFluxErr)
  377- 383  F7.4  mag       gmagapf   ? PanSTARRs g-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry magnitude (gFApMag)
  385- 393  F9.4  mag     e_gmagapf   ? PanSTARRs g-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry magnitude error (gFApMagErr)
  395- 416 E22.15 uJy       Frapf     ? PanSTARRs r-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry flux (rFApFlux)
  418- 439 E22.15 uJy     e_Frapf     []? PanSTARRs r-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry flux error (rFApFluxErr)
  441- 447  F7.4  mag       rmagapf   ? PanSTARRs r-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry magnitude (rFApMag)
  449- 458  F10.4 mag     e_rmagapf   ? PanSTARRs r-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry magnitude error (rFApMagErr)
  460- 481 E22.15 uJy       Fiapf     ? PanSTARRs i-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry flux (iFApFlux)
  483- 504 E22.15 uJy     e_Fiapf     []? PanSTARRs i-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry flux error (iFApFluxErr)
  506- 512  F7.4  mag       imagapf   ? PanSTARRs i-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry magnitude (iFApMag)
  514- 522  F9.4  mag     e_imagapf   ? PanSTARRs i-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry magnitude error (iFApMagErr)
  524- 545 E22.15 uJy       Fzapf     ? PanSTARRs z-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry flux (zFApFlux)
  547- 568 E22.15 uJy     e_Fzapf     []? PanSTARRs z-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry flux error (zFApFluxErr)
  570- 576  F7.4  mag       zmagapf   ? PanSTARRs z-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry magnitude (zFApMag)
  578- 586  F9.4  mag     e_zmagapf   ? PanSTARRs z-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry magnitude error (zFApMagErr)
  588- 609 E22.15 uJy       Fyapf     ? PanSTARRs y-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry flux (yFApFlux)
  611- 632 E22.15 uJy     e_Fyapf     []? PanSTARRs y-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry flux error (yFApFluxErr)
  634- 640  F7.4  mag       ymagapf   ? PanSTARRs y-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry magnitude (yFApMag)
  642- 650  F9.4  mag     e_ymagapf   ? PanSTARRs y-band forced aperture 
                                       photometry magnitude error (yFApMagErr)
  652- 673 E22.15 uJy       FgKrf     ? PanSTARRs g-band forced photometry 
                                       Kron flux (gFKronFlux)
  675- 696 E22.15 uJy     e_FgKrf     []? PanSTARRs g-band forced photometry 
                                       Kron flux error (gFKronFluxErr)
  698- 719 E22.15 mag       rmagKrf   ? PanSTARRs r-band forced photometry 
                                       Kron flux (rFKronFlux)
  721- 742 E22.15 mag     e_rmagKrf   []? PanSTARRs r-band forced photometry 
                                       Kron flux error (rFKronFluxErr)
  744- 765 E22.15 uJy       FiKrf     ? PanSTARRs i-band forced photometry 
                                       Kron flux (iFKronFlux)
  767- 788 E22.15 uJy     e_FiKrf     []? PanSTARRs i-band forced photometry 
                                       Kron flux error (iFKronFluxErr)
  790- 811 E22.15 uJy       FzKrf     ? PanSTARRs z-band forced photometry 
                                       Kron flux (zFKronFlux)
  813- 834 E22.15 uJy     e_FzKrf     []? PanSTARRs z-band forced photometry 
                                       Kron flux error (zFKronFluxErr)
  836- 857 E22.15 uJy       FyKrf     ? PanSTARRs y-band forced photometry 
                                       Kron flux (yFKronFlux)
  859- 880 E22.15 uJy     e_FyKrf     []? PanSTARRs y-band forced photometry 
                                       Kron flux error (yFKronFluxErr)
  882- 903 E22.15 uJy       FW1pf     ? AllWISE W1 profile-fit photometry flux 
  905- 926 E22.15 uJy     e_FW1pf     ? AllWISE W1 profile-fit photometry flux 
                                       error (w1FluxErr)
  928- 934  F7.4  mag       W1magpf   ? AllWISE W1 profile-fit photometry 
                                       magnitude (w1Mag)
  936- 942  F7.4  mag     e_W1magpf   ? AllWISE W1 profile-fit photometry 
                                       magnitude error (w1MagErr)
  944- 965 E22.15 uJy       FW2pf     ? AllWISE W2 profile-fit photometry flux 
  967- 988 E22.15 uJy     e_FW2pf     ? AllWISE W2 profile-fit photometry flux 
                                       error (w2FluxErr)
  990- 996  F7.4  mag       W2magpf   ? AllWISE W2 profile-fit photometry 
                                       magnitude (w2Mag)
  998-1004  F7.4  mag     e_W2magpf   ? AllWISE W2 profile-fit photometry 
                                       magnitude error (w2MagErr)
 1006-1027 E22.15 uJy       FW3pf     ? AllWISE W3 profile-fit photometry flux 
 1029-1050 E22.15 uJy     e_FW3pf     ? AllWISE W3 profile-fit photometry flux 
                                       error (w3FluxErr)
 1052-1058  F7.4  mag       W3magpf   ? AllWISE W3 profile-fit photometry 
                                       magnitude (w3Mag)
 1060-1066  F7.4  mag     e_W3magpf   ? AllWISE W3 profile-fit photometry 
                                       magnitude error (w3MagErr)
 1068-1089 E22.15 uJy       FW4pf     ? AllWISE W4 profile-fit photometry flux 
 1091-1112 E22.15 uJy     e_FW4pf     ? AllWISE W4 profile-fit photometry flux 
                                       error (w4FluxErr)
 1114-1120  F7.4  mag       W4magpf   ? AllWISE W4 profile-fit photometry 
                                       magnitude (w4Mag)
 1122-1128  F7.4  mag     e_W4magpf   ? AllWISE W4 profile-fit photometry 
                                       magnitude error (w4MagErr)
 1130-1138  F9.6  ---       zbest     ? Best available redshift estimate 
      1140  I1    ---     f_zbest     [0/1]? Source of zbest (z_best_source) (2)
 1142-1150  F9.6  ---       zsp       ? Literature Spectroscopic Redshift 
      1152  I1    ---     r_zsp       [1/32]? Source of zsp (z_spec_source) (3)
 1154-1161  F8.6  ---       z1med     ? Median of the primary redshift peak 
                                       above 80% HPD CI (z1_median)
 1163-1170  F8.6  ---       z1min     ? Lower bound of the primary 80% HPD CI 
                                       peak (z1_min)
 1172-1179  F8.6  ---       z1max     ? Upper bound of the primary 80% HPD CI 
                                       peak (z1_max)
 1181-1188  F8.6  ---       z1area    ? Integrated area of the primary 80% 
                                       HPD CI peak  (z1_area)
 1190-1197  F8.6  ---       z2med     ? Median of the secondary redshift peak 
                                       (if present) above 80% HPD CI (z2_median)
 1199-1206  F8.6  ---       z2min     ? Lower bound of the secondary 80% HPD CI 
                                       peak (z2_min)
 1208-1215  F8.6  ---       z2max     ? Upper bound of the secondary 80% HPD CI 
                                       peak (z2_max)
 1217-1224  F8.6  ---       z2area    ? Integrated area of the secondary 80% 
                                       HPD CI peak (z2_area)
      1226  I1    ---       fAGN      [0/1]? Flag indicating spectroscopically 
                                       identified AGN (specAGN)
      1228  I1    ---       fMQCc     [0/1] Flag indicating source is included 
                                       in Million Quasar Catalog compilation 
      1230  I1    ---       XrayClass [0/2]? 2RXS or XMMSL2 X-ray source class
                                        (XrayClass) (4)
 1232-1252  A21   ---       2RXS      ID in 2RXS catalog (if available) 
 1254-1276  A23   ---       XMMSL2    ID in XMMSL2 catalog (XMMSL2_ID)
 1278-1279  I2    ---       IRClass   ? Bit-flag indicating WISE AGN Class 
                                       (IRClass) (5)
 1281-1288  F8.6  mag       E(B-V)    ? E(B-V) galactic extinction for the 
                                       source (EBV) (6)
      1290  I1    ---       missingPS [0/1] Missing in PanSTARRS 
 1292-1299  F8.4  mag       umag      ? Estimated rest frame u-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (u_rest)
 1301-1308  F8.4  mag       gmag      ? Estimated rest frame g-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (g_rest)
 1310-1317  F8.4  mag       rmag      ? Estimated rest frame r-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (r_rest)
 1319-1326  F8.4  mag       imag      ? Estimated rest frame i-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (i_rest)
 1328-1335  F8.4  mag       zmag      ? Estimated rest frame z-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (z_rest)
 1337-1344  F8.4  mag       Umag      ? Estimated rest frame U-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (U_rest)
 1346-1353  F8.4  mag       Bmag      ? Estimated rest frame B-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (B_rest)
 1355-1362  F8.4  mag       Vmag      ? Estimated rest frame V-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (V_rest)
 1364-1371  F8.4  mag       Imag      ? Estimated rest frame I-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (I_rest)
 1373-1380  F8.4  mag       Jmag      ? Estimated rest frame J-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (J_rest)
 1382-1389  F8.4  mag       Ksmag     ? Estimated rest frame Ks-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (Ks_rest)
 1391-1398  F8.4  mag       W1mag     ? Estimated rest frame W1-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (w1_rest)
 1400-1407  F8.4  mag       W2mag     ? Estimated rest frame W2-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (w2_rest)
 1409-1416  F8.4  mag       W3mag     ? Estimated rest frame W3-band magnitude 
                                       (for z_best) (w3_rest)
Note (1): Flag indicating the origin of the optical identification as follows:
   0 = no ID possible (too large or otherwise difficult) 
   1 = identification (or alck thereof) from maximum likelihood analysis 
   2 = match to a bright galaxy (either 2MASX or SDSS) 
  31 = association and identification (or lack therof) from LGZ, 
        output from LGZ (too-zoomed-in) 
  32 = association and identification (or lack therof) from LGZ, 
        output from LGZ 
  41 = association and identification (or lack therof) through deblend workflow 
        deblend following flowchart classification of m sources 
  42 = association and identification (or lack therof) through deblend workflow 
        deblend following LG
Note (2): Source of zbest as follows:
   0 = photometric
   1 = spectroscopic
Note (3): Source of zsp as follows:
  1 = SDSS
  2 = DEEP 2/3
  4 = 3D-HST
  8 = Steidel et al. (2003ApJ...592..728S)
 16 = AEGIS-X
 32 = Huang et al. (2009ApJ...700..183H) 
Note (4): 2RXS or XMMSL2 X-ray source class code as follows:                    
  1 = AGN, 
  2 = Galaxy/Star 
Note (5): Bit-flag indicating WISE AGN Class based on Assef et al. 
  (2012ApJ...753L...2A) selection criteria as follows:
  1 = 90% Completeness criteria
  2 = 75% Completeness criteria
  4 = 75% Reliability criteria
  8 = 90% Reliability criteria
Note (6): based on its position and Schlegel, Finkbeiner and Davis 
  (1998ApJ...500..525S) extinction maps - http://argonaut.skymaps.info. 
  Fluxes and magnitudes in the catalog have already been corrected based on 
  this value.

Global notes:
Note (G1): Type as follows:
    S = isolated source that is fit with a single Gaussian
    C = sources that are fit by a single Gaussian but are within an island of
         emission that also contains other sources
    M = sources that are extended and fitted with multiple Gaussians

   Timothy Shimwell, shimwell(at)astron.nl
   Wendy Williams, wwilliams(at)strw.leidenuniv.nl
   Kenneth Duncan, duncan(at)strw.leidenuniv.nl

 Williams et al.,          Paper II     2019A&A...622A...2W
 Duncan et al.,            Paper III    2019A&A...622A...3D
 Hale et al.,              Paper IV     2019A&A...622A...4H, Cat. J/A+A/622/A4
 de Gasperin et al.,       Paper V      2019A&A...622A...5D
 Arias et al.,             Paper VI     2019A&A...622A...6A
 Emig et al.,              Paper VII    2019A&A...622A...7E
 Heesen et al.,            Paper VIII   2019A&A...622A...8H, Cat, J/A+A/622/A8
 Miskolczi et al.,         Paper IX     2019A&A...622A...9M
 Croston et al.,           Paper X      2019A&A...622A..10C
 Gurkan et al.,            Paper XI     2019A&A...622A..11G, Cat. J/A+A/622/A11
 Hardcastle et al.,        Paper XII    2019A&A...622A..12H
 Mahatma et al.,           Paper XIII   2019A&A...622A..13M, Cat. J/A+A/622/A13
 Mooney et al.,            Paper XIV    2019A&A...622A..14M
 Morabito et al.,          Paper XV     2019A&A...622A..15M, Cat. J/A+A/622/A15
 O'Sullivan et al.,        Paper XVI    2019A&A...622A..16O
 Sabater et al.,           Paper XVII   2019A&A...622A..17S
 Stacey et al.,            Paper XVIII  2019A&A...622A..18S
 Botteon et al.,           Paper XIX    2019A&A...622A..19B
 Hoang et al.,             Paper XX     2019A&A...622A..20H
 Hoang et al.,             Paper XXI    2019A&A...622A..21H
 Mandal et al.,            Paper XXII   2019A&A...622A..22M, Cat. J/A+A/622/A22
 Nikiel-Wroczynski et al., Paper XXIII  2019A&A...622A..23N
 Savini et al.,            Paper XXIV   2019A&A...622A..24S
 Wiber et al.,             Paper XXV    2019A&A...622A..25W

(End)                                      Patricia Vannier [CDS]    13-Jun-2019