PM Survey: Key Aspects We use the 20 cm multibeam receiver system and multibeam filter banks, digitizer and data-acquisition system to survey a region within |b| < 5 degrees in the inner Galactic plane for pulsars, many of which will be young and/or short-period. Our survey is a factor of seven more sensitive to young and distant pulsars than that of Johnston et al. (1992) which detected 100 pulsars. The PM Survey is specifically targeted for: * obscured regions of the Galactic plane * young pulsars * binary pulsars with massive companions As of August 1999, analysis of about 50% of the total expected data to be collected has resulted in the confirmed detection of over 400 new pulsars (an increase of more than 50% of the known population). Here are some of the features of the PM Survey: * Survey Area: -260 < l < 50 deg , -5 < b < 5 deg * Center Frequency: 1374 MHz * Bandwidth: 288 MHz (96 channels x 3 MHz per channel x 2 polarizations) * Sampling Rate: 0.25 ms x 1 bit per channel * Integration Time: 35 min per pointing (13 beams per pointing) * Data Storage: DLT tape (about 35 GB per tape) * Sensitivity: about 7 times better than previous 400 MHz surveys