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J/A+A/594/A27    Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources (PSZ2)         (Planck+, 2016)
Planck 2015 results.
XXVII. The second Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources.
    Planck collaboration
    Ade P.A.R., Aghanim N., Arnaud M., Ashdown M., Aumont J., Baccigalupi C.,
    Banday A.J., Barreiro R.B., Barrena R., Bartlett J.G., Bartolo N.,
    Battaner E., Battye R., Benabed K., Benoit A., Benoit-Levy A.,
    Bernard J.-P., Bersanelli M., Bielewicz P., Bikmaev I., Bohringer H.,
    Bonaldi A., Bonavera L., Bond J.R., Borrill J., Bouchet F.R., Bucher M.,
    Burenin R., Burigana C., Butler R.C., Calabrese E., Cardoso J.-F.,
    Carvalho P., Catalano A., Challinor A., Chamballu A., Chary R.-R.,
    Chiang H.C., Chon G., Christensen P.R., Clements D.L., Colombi S.,
    Colombo L.P.L., Combet C., Comis B., Couchot F., Coulais A., Crill B.P.,
    Curto A., Cuttaia F., Dahle H., Danese L., Davies R.D., Davis R.J.,
    De Bernardis P., De Rosa A., De Zotti G., Delabrouille J., Desert F.-X.,
    Dickinson C., Diego J.M., Dolag K., Dole H., Donzelli S., Dore O.,
    Douspis M., Ducout A., Dupac X., Efstathiou G., Eisenhardt P.R.M.,
    Elsner F., Ensslin T.A., Eriksen H.K., Falgarone E., Fergusson J.,
    Feroz F., Ferragamo A., Finelli F., Forni O., Frailis M., Fraisse A.A.,
    Franceschi E., Frejsel A., Galeotta S., Galli S., Ganga K.,
    Genova-Santos R.T., Giard M., Giraud-Heraud Y., Gjerlow E.,
    Gonzalez-Nuevo J., Gorski K.M., Grainge K.J.B., Gratton S., Gregorio A.,
    Gruppuso A., Gudmundsson J.E., Hansen F.K., Hanson D., Harrison D.L.,
    Hempel A., Henrot-Versille S., Hernandez-Monteagudo C., Herranz D.,
    Hildebrandt S.R., Hivon E., Hobson M., Holmes W.A., Hornstrup A.,
    Hovest W., Huffenberger K.M., Hurier G., Jaffe A.H., Jaffe T.R., Jin T.,
    Jones W.C., Juvela M., Keihanen E., Keskitalo R., Khamitov I., Kisner T.S.,
    Kneissl R., Knoche J., Kunz M., Kurki-Suonio H., Lagache G., Lamarre J.-M.,
    Lasenby A., Lattanzi M., Lawrence C.R., Leonardi R., Lesgourgues J.,
    Levrier F., Liguori M., Lilje P.B., Linden-Vornle M., Lopez-Caniego M.,
    Lubin P.M., Macias-Perez J.F., Maggio G., Maino D., Mak D.S.Y.,
    Mandolesi N., Mangilli A., Martin P.G., Martinez-Gonzalez E., Masi S.,
    Matarrese S., Mazzotta P., Mcgehee P., Mei S., Melchiorri A., Melin J.-B.,
    Mendes L., Mennella A., Migliaccio M., Mitra S., Miville-Deschenes M.-A.,
    Moneti A., Montier L., Morgante G., Mortlock D., Moss A., Munshi D.,
    Murphy J.A., Naselsky P., Nastasi A., Nati F., Natoli P., Netterfield C.B.,
    Norgaard-Nielsen H.U., Noviello F., Novikov D., Novikov I., Olamaie M.,
    Oxborrow C.A., Paci F., Pagano L., Pajot F., Paoletti D., Pasian F.,
    Patanchon G., Pearson T.J., Perdereau O., Perotto L., Perrott Y.C.,
    Perrotta F., Pettorino V., Piacentini F., Piat M., Pierpaoli E.,
    Pietrobon D., Plaszczynski S., Pointecouteau E., Polenta G., Pratt G.W.,
    Prezeau G., Prunet S., Puget J.-L., Rachen J.P., Reach W.T., Rebolo R.,
    Reinecke M., Remazeilles M., Renault C., Renzi A., Ristorcelli I.,
    Rocha G., Rosset C., Rossetti M., Roudier G., Rozo E., Rubino-Martin J.A.,
    Rumsey C., Rusholme B., Rykoff E.S., Sandri M., Santos D., Saunders R.D.E.,
    Savelainen M., Savini G., Schammel M.P., Scott D., Seiffert M.D.,
    Shellard E.P.S., Shimwell T.W., Spencer L.D., Stanford S.A., Stern D.,
    Stolyarov V., Stompor R., Streblyanska A., Sudiwala R., Sunyaev R.,
    Sutton D., Suur-Uski A.-S., Sygnet J.-F., Tauber J.A., Terenzi L.,
    Toffolatti L., Tomasi M., Tramonte D., Tristram M., Tucci M., Tuovinen J.,
    Umana G., Valenziano L., Valiviita J., Van Tent B., Vielva P., Villa F.,
    Wade L.A., Wandelt B.D., Wehus I.K., White S.D.M., Wright E.L., Yvon D.,
    Zacchei A., Zonca A.
   =2016A&A...594A..27P    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
ADC_Keywords: Millimetric/submm sources ; Surveys
Keywords: cosmology: observations - galaxies: clusters: general - catalogs

    We present the all-sky Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ)
    sources detected from the 29 month full-mission data. The catalogue
    (PSZ2) is the largest SZ-selected sample of galaxy clusters yet
    produced and the deepest systematic all-sky survey of galaxy clusters.
    It contains 1653 detections, of which 1203 are confirmed clusters with
    identified counterparts in external data sets, and is the first
    SZ-selected cluster survey containing >10^3^ confirmed clusters. We
    present a detailed analysis of the survey selection function in terms
    of its completeness and statistical reliability, placing a lower limit
    of 83% on the purity. Using simulations, we find that the estimates of
    the SZ strength parameter Y_5R500_ are robust to pressure-profile
    variation and beam systematics, but accurate conversion to Y_500_
    requires the use of prior information on the cluster extent. We
    describe the multi-wavelength search for counterparts in ancillary
    data, which makes use of radio, microwave, infrared, optical, and
    X-ray data sets, and which places emphasis on the robustness of the
    counterpart match. We discuss the physical properties of the new
    sample and identify a population of low-redshift X-ray under-luminous
    clusters revealed by SZ selection. These objects appear in optical and
    SZ surveys with consistent properties for their mass, but are almost
    absent from ROSAT X-ray selected samples.

    Three pipelines are used to detect SZ clusters: two independent
    implementations of the Matched Multi-Filter (MMF1 and MMF3), and
    PowellSnakes (PwS). The main catalogue is constructed as the union of
    the catalogues from the three detection methods. The completeness and
    reliability of the catalogues have been assessed through internal and
    external validation as described in section 4 of the paper.

File Summary:
 FileName      Lrecl  Records   Explanations
ReadMe            80        .   This file
psz2.dat         360     1653   Second SZ catalogue (PSZ2) (Union catalog)
pszmmf1.dat      128     1227   MMF1 pipeline
pszmmf3.dat      128     1271   MMF3 pipeline
pszpws.dat       128     1079   PowellSnakes pipeline
fits/*             .        4   Fits version of the catalogues

See also:
 VIII/88        : Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue (Planck, 2011)
 VIII/91        : Planck Catalog of Compact Sources Release 1 (Planck, 2013)
 J/A+A/594/A26  : Second Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources PCCS2
                                                                (Planck, 2016)
 J/A+A/536/A8   : Planck early results. VIII. ESZ sample. (Planck+, 2011)
 J/A+A/581/A14  : Updated Planck catalogue PSZ1 (Planck+, 2015)
 J/A+A/594/A28  : Planck Catalogue of Galactic cold clumps (PGCC) (Planck+ 2016)

 J/A+A/596/A100 : Planck high-z source candidates catalog (PHZ) (Planck+, 2016)

Byte-by-byte Description of file: psz2.dat
   Bytes Format Units          Label     Explanations
   1-  4  I4    ---            Index     Index used to cross-reference with
                                          individual catalogues (INDEX)
   6- 23  A18   ---            Name      Source name (NAME) (1)
  25- 35  F11.7 deg            GLON      Galactic longitude (GLON)
  37- 47  F11.7 deg            GLAT      Galactic latitude (GLAT)
  49- 59  F11.7 deg            RAdeg     Right ascension (J2000)
                                         transformed from (GLON,GLAT) (RA)
  61- 71  F11.7 deg            DEdeg     Declination (J2000)
                                          transformed from (GLON,GLAT) (DEC)
  73- 81  F9.6  arcmin       e_pos       Position uncertainty
                                          (95% confidence interval)  (POS_ERR)
  83- 90  F8.5  ---            SNR       Signal-to-noise ratio of the detection
      92  I1    ---            Pipeline  [1/3] Pipeline from which information
                                          is taken (reference pipeline):
                                          1= MMF1; 2 = MMF3; 3 = PwS (PIPELINE)
  94- 96  I3    ---            PipeDet   Pipelines which detect this object
                                          (PIPE_DET) (2)
      98  I1    ---            PCCS2     [0/1] Indicates whether detection
                                          matches with any in PCCS2 catalogues
 100-104  I5    ---            PSZ       ?=-1 Index of matching detection in
                                          PSZ1, or -1 if new detection (PSZ)
     106  I1    ---          f_IR        Flag denoting heavy infrared
                                          contamination (IR_FLAG)
 108-115  F8.6  ---          q_neural    Neural network quality flag
                                          (Q_NEURAL) (3)
 117-126  F10.6 10-3arcmin+2   Y5R500    Mean marginal Y5R500 as determined by
                                          reference pipeline (Y5R500)
 128-136  F9.6  10-3arcmin+2 e_Y5R500    Uncertainty on Y5R500 as determined by
                                          reference pipeline (Y5R500_ERR)
 138-140  I3    ---            Val       External validation status
                                          (VALIDATION) (4)
 142-166  A25   ---            zID       External identifier of cluster
                                          associated with redshift measurement
                                          (REDSHIFT_ID) (5)
 168-176  F9.6  ---            z         Redshift of cluster (REDSHIFT) (5)
 178-186  F9.6  10+14Msun      MSZ       ?=0 SZ mass proxy (MSZ) (6)
 188-195  F8.6  10+14Msun    E_MSZ       ?=0 Upper bound of 68% SZ mass proxy
                                          confidence interval (MSZ_ERR_UP) (6)
 197-204  F8.6  10+14Msun    e_MSZ       ?=0 Lower bound of 68% SZ mass proxy
                                          confidence interval (MSZ_ERR_LOW) (6)
 206-217  A12   ---            MCXC      Identifier of X-ray counterpart in the
                                          MCXC, if one is present, JHHMM.m+DDMM
 219-238  A20   ---            RedMAPPer Identifier of optical counterpart in
                                          the RedMAPPer catalogue, if one is
                                          present, RMJHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS.s
 240-258  A19   ---            ACT       Identifier of SZ counterpart in the
                                          ACT catalogues, if one is present,
                                          ACT-CL JHHMM-DDMM or
                                          ACT-CL JHHMM.s+DDMM (ACT)
 260-275  A16   ---            SPT       Identifier of SZ counterpart in the
                                          SPT catalogues, if one is present,
                                          SPT-CLJHHMM+DDMM (SPT)
 277-279  I3    ---          f_WISE      [-10/3] Confirmation flag of WISE
                                          overdensity (WISE_FLAG) (7)
 281-292  E12.6 ---            AMIevi    Bayesian evidence for AMI counterpart
                                          detection (AMI_EVIDENCE) (8)
     294  I1    ---            COSMO     [0/1] Indicates whether detection is
                                          in the cosmology sample (COSMO)
 296-360  A65   ---            Comment   Comments on this detection (COMMENT)
Note (1): Format is PSZ2 Glll.ll+bb.b where (l,b) are the Galactic coordinates
   truncated to 2 decimal places.
Note (2): The three least significant decimal digits are used to represent
   detection or non-detection by the pipelines.
   Order of the digits: hundreds = MMF1; tens = MMF3; units = PwS.
   If it is detected then the corresponding digit is set to 1,
   otherwise it is set to 0.
Note (3): Neural network quality flag is 1-Qbad, following the definitions in
   Aghanim et al. 2014.
Note (4): Summary of the external validation, encoding the most robust external
   identification as follows:
   10 = ENO follow-up
   11 = RTT follow-up
   12 = PanSTARRs
   13 = RedMAPPer non-blind
   14 = SDSS high-z
   15 = AMI
   16 = WISE
   20 = legacy identification from the PSZ1
   21 = MCXC
   22 = SPT
   23 = ACT
   24 = RedMAPPer
   25 = legacy identification from PSZ1 with externally updated redshift
   30 = NED
   -1 = no known external counterpart
Note (5): Redshift source is the most robust external identification listed
   in the VALIDATION field.
Note (6): MSZ is the hydrostatic mass assuming the best-fit Y-M scaling
   relation of Arnaud 2010 as a prior.
   The uncertainties are statistical and based on the Planck measurement
   uncertainties only.
   Not included in the uncertainties are the statistical errors on the scaling
   relation, the intrinsic scatter in the relation, or systematic errors in
   data selection for the scaling relation fit.
Note (7): Assigned by visual inspection as follows:
   0 = no significant galaxy overdensity
   1 = possible galaxy overdensity
   2 = probable galaxy overdensity
   3 = significant galaxy overdensity detected
  -1 = possible galaxy overdensity (affected by bright star artefacts)
  -2 = no significant galaxy overdensity (affected by bright star artefacts)
  -3 = no assessment possible (affected by bright star artefacts)
  -10 = not analysed
Note (8): Defined in the paper.

Byte-by-byte Description of file: pszmmf1.dat pszmmf3.dat pszpws.dat
   Bytes Format Units      Label    Explanations
   1-  4  I4    ---        Index    ?=-1 Index from union catalogue (INDEX)
   6- 23  A18   ---        Name     Source name (NAME) (1)
  25- 35  F11.7 deg        GLON     Galactic longitude  (GLON)
  37- 47  F11.7 deg        GLAT     Galactic latitude  (GLAT)
  49- 59  F11.7 deg        RAdeg    Right ascension (J2000) transformed from
                                    (GLON, GLAT)  (RA)
  61- 71  F11.7 deg        DEdeg    Declination (J2000) transformed from
                                    (GLON, GLAT)  (DEC)
  73- 81  F9.6  arcmin   e_Pos      Position uncertainty (95% confidence
                                     interval) (POS_ERR)
  83- 90  F8.5  ---        SNR      Signal-to-noise ratio of detection  (SNR)
  92-100  F9.6  arcmin   b_TS       Minimum value of theta_s_ in grid in second
                                     extension HDU (TS_MIN) (2)
 102-110  F9.5  arcmin   B_TS       Maximum value of theta_s_ in grid in second
                                     extension HDU (TS_MAX) (2)
 112-119  F8.6  arcmin+2 b_Y        Minimum value of Y in grid in second
                                     extension HDU (Y_MIN) (2)
 121-128  F8.6  arcmin+2 B_Y        Maximum value of Y in grid in second
                                     extension HDU (Y_MAX) (2)
Note (1): Format PSZ2 where (l, b) are the Galactic coordinates
 truncated to 2 decimal places.
Note (2): Extension 2 contains a three-dimensional image with the
  two-dimensional probability distribution in theta_s_ and Y for
  each detection.
  The probability distributions are evaluated on a 256x256 linear grid between
  the limits specified in extension 1. The limits are determined independently
  for each detection. The dimension of the 3D image is 256x256xNdet, where
  Ndet is the number of detections. The first dimension is theta_s_ and the
  second dimension is Y.
  Extension 3 contains a three-dimensional image with the information
  on the MSZ observable per cluster as a function of assumed redshift.
  The image dimensions are 100x4xNdet, where Ndet is the number of detections.
  The first dimension is the assumed redshift. The second dimension has size 4:
  the first element is the assumed redshift value corresponding to the MSZ
  values. The second element is the MSZ lower 68% confidence bound, the third
  element is the MSZ estimate and the fourth element is the MSZ upper 68%
  confidence bound, all in units of 10^14^M_{sun}_. These uncertainties are
  based on the Planck measurement uncertainties only. Not included in the error
  estimates are the statistical errors on the scaling relation, the intrinsic
  scatter in the relation, or systematic errors in data selection for the
  scaling relation fit.

    Coped at

(End)                                      Patricia Vannier [CDS]    04-Jan-2017