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J/other/PASA/34.13      S-PASS catalog at 2.3GHz                 (Meyers+, 2017)
A southern-sky total intensity source catalogue at 2.3GHz from S-band
Polarisation All-Sky Survey data.
    Meyers B.W., Hurley-Walker N., Hancock P.J., Franzen T.M.O., Carretti E.,
    Staveley-Smith L., Gaensler B.M., Haverkorn M., Poppi S.
    =2017PASA...34...13M        (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
ADC_Keywords: Surveys ; Radio sources ; Polarization
Keywords: catalogues - surveys - radio continuum: general

    The S-band Polarisation All-Sky Survey (S-PASS) has observed the
    entire southern sky using the 64-metre Parkes radio telescope at
    2.3GHz with an effective bandwidth of 184MHz. The surveyed sky area
    covers all declinations DE<0{deg}. To analyse compact sources the
    survey data have been re-processed to produce a set of 107 Stokes I
    maps with 10.75-arcmin resolution and the large scale emission
    contribution filtered out. In this paper we use these Stokes I images
    to create a total intensity southern-sky extragalactic source
    catalogue at 2.3GHz. The source catalogue contains 23389 sources and
    covers a sky area of 16600deg^2^, excluding the Galactic plane for
    latitudes |b|<10{deg}. Approximately 8% of catalogued sources are
    resolved. S-PASS source positions are typically accurate to within
    35-arcsec. At a flux density of 225mJy the S-PASS source catalogue is
    more than 95% complete, and ~94% of S-PASS sources brighter than
    500mJy/beam have a counterpart at lower frequencies.

    Observations were carried out over the period October 2007 to January
    2010 using the Parkes S-band receiver. The S-band receiver is a
    package with: a system temperature Tsys=20K, a beam Full Width at Half
    Maximum (FWHM) of 8.9-arcmin, and a circular polarisation front-end
    ideal for linear polarisation observations with single-dish

File Summary:
 FileName      Lrecl  Records   Explanations
ReadMe            80        .   This file
s-pass.dat       417    23389   S-PASS catalogue
S-PASS.vot       191   491277   S-PASS catalogue as VOTABLE

See also:
   VIII/15 :  Parkes Radio Sources Catalogue (PKSCAT90) (Wright+ 1990)
   VIII/38 :  The Parkes-MIT-NRAO 4.85GHz (PMN) Surveys (Griffith+ 1993-1996)
   VIII/65 :  1.4GHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) (Condon+ 1998)
   VIII/81 : Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS V2.1) (Mauch+ 2008)

Byte-by-byte Description of file: s-pass.dat
   Bytes Format Units     Label     Explanations
   1-  6  A6    ---       ---       [SPASS_]
   7- 20  A14   ---       SPASS     SPASS name (JHHMMSS+DDMMSS)
  22- 23  I2    h         RAh       Right ascension (J2000)
  25- 26  I2    min       RAm       Right ascension (J2000)
  28- 32  F5.2  s         RAs       Right ascension (J2000)
      34  A1    ---       DE-       Declination sign (J2000)
  35- 36  I2    deg       DEd       Declination (J2000)
  38- 39  I2    arcmin    DEm       Declination (J2000)
  41- 45  F5.2  arcsec    DEs       Declination (J2000)
  47- 70 F24.18 arcsec  e_RAs       ?=-1 rms uncertainty on Right Ascension
  72- 95 F24.18 arcsec  e_DEs       ?=-1 rms uncertainty on Declination
  97-118 F22.18 Jy/beam   Fp2307    Peak flux density at 2307MHz
 120-141 F22.19 Jy/beam e_Fp2307    ?=-1 rms uncertainty on Fp2307 (1)
 143-164 F22.18 Jy        F2307     Integrated flux density at 2307MHz
 166-188 F23.19 Jy      e_F2307     ?=-1 rms uncertainty on F2307 (1)
 190-212 E23.19 Jy/beam   bckg      Local background level
 213-233 F21.19 Jy/beam   rms       Local RMS noise
 235-253 F19.14 arcsec    aaxis     Fitted semi-major axis
 255-279 F25.18 arcsec  e_aaxis     ?=-1 rms uncertainty on aaxis (2)
 281-299 F19.14 arcsec    baxis     Fitted semi-minor axis
 301-323 F23.18 arcsec  e_baxis     ?=-1 rms uncertainty on baxis (2)
 325-346 E22.19 deg       PA        [] Fitted position angle, measured N to E
 348-370 F23.19 deg     e_PA        ?=-1 rms uncertainty on PA (2)
 371-394 E24.19 Jy/beam   resmean   ? Mean value of data subtract model (3)
 396-417 E22.18 Jy/beam   resstd    ? Standard deviation of
                                     data subtract model (3)
Note (1): We stress that the uncertainties in peak and integrated flux densities
 do not include any correction for flux scaling errors.
Note (2): Errors of -1 indicate a fitting error or nearly-circular source, where
 major and minor axis errors and position angle are poorly defined.
Note (3): If a source has been well fitted, the residuals will be small.

     Bradely Meyers, bradley.meyers(at)postgrad.curtin.edu.au

(End)                                        Patricia Vannier [CDS]  03-Feb-2017