A0781 radio identifications

A0781 09 20 23.2 +30 26 16  0.2984
# The probable center of cluster is in ~5' to N-W from ACO-center.
# Therefore RS2 is probably in cluster;
# possibly, extended RS1 is in cluster too (no WENSS however).
# For identifications of extended NVSS radio sources RS1, RS5 and RS6
# need more detail radio structures.
RS  1  0.25  NI  pC #
 nvss  09 20 30.83  +30 28 02.0     17.8   59.2  35.7  -0.4
 # apm 09 20 30.38  +30 28 15.4  -1 19.79   3.5  0.16 175
 # apm 09 20 30.31  +30 27 26.3   1 16.15  10.1  0.12  69    
 #                               -1 17.34   8.8  0.05  43
 # Need radio structure; nearby APM objects - possible identifications.

RS  2  0.35  Id  pC #
  fst  09 20 13.874 +30 28 58.31     9.72   6.1   2.1  42.6
  fst  09 20 14.451 +30 29 07.96     4.22   8.1   4.7  69.7
 nvss  09 20 14.12  +30 29 02.7     18.5  <27.0 <24.5
  apm  09 20 13.90  +30 28 58.7   1 18.04   8.4  0.26  46 

 # Probable cluster galaxy.

RS  3  0.36 pId pnC #
  fst  09 20 22.392 +30 29 45.30    35.26   7.5   4.6  52.8
  fst  09 20 23.375 +30 29 43.84    26.96   8.7   4.4  74.8
 nvss  09 20 22.90  +30 29 45.5     74.1   19.7 <20.4  78.2
  apm  09 20 23.15  +30 29 42.6  -1 19.73   4.4  0.36 141
 # apm 09 20 22.27  +30 29 43.3   1 17.35   9.6  0.21   8   
 #                                1 20.45   6.4  0.17 120
 # Probable identification - star object, remoted QSR or RG.
 # Another candidate - second APM object, cluster galaxy.

RS  4  0.48  Id pnC #
  fst  09 20 02.718 +30 24 51.87     1.94   1.0  -2.5 155.5
  apm  09 20 02.71  +30 24 51.5   1 18.75   7.8  0.37  43    
                                 -1 21.91   3.1  0.13 153
 # Identification, galaxy out of cluster clumps
 # apm 09 20 03.70  +30 24 55.7   1 18.38   6.7  0.05  17
 # - second galaxy in pair(?) of background galaxies.

RS  5  0.50  NI pnC #
 nvss  09 20 08.39  +30 29 54.5      3.3  <96.7 <45.0
RS  6  0.58 pId pnC #
 nvss  09 20 47.35  +30 28 21.2      7.7   52.8 <62.2  26.4
  apm  09 20 47.12  +30 28 25.3  -1 18.64   6.2  0.11  53    
                                 -1 21.44   4.0  0.23 114
 # possible identification - star object.
 # nearby galaxy:
 # apm 09 20 48.26  +30 28 17.7   1 16.65  11.8  0.18  71    
 #                                1 19.78   8.1  0.26   2
RS  7  0.64  NI pnC #
  fst  09 20 21.936 +30 32 26.46     1.21   2.4  -3.3  74.1
 nvss  09 20 21.75  +30 32 26.9      3.4  <92.6 <50.1
  apm  09 20 22.45  +30 32 29.4   1 17.46  11.8  0.31 164    
                                  2 20.92   8.3  0.61  26
 # APM galaxy with companion, possibly, in cluster.
 # Radio - optical shift is on limit of accuracy. 
RS  8  0.69  NI pnC #
  fst  09 20 08.940 +30 32 16.19     3.84   5.3  -2.0  77.4
  fst  09 20 08.101 +30 32 13.76     9.31   7.5   1.3  77.7
 nvss  09 20 08.51  +30 32 14.2     17.8   24.2 <23.4  71.1
RS  9  0.88  NI pnC #
  fst  09 19 48.732 +30 21 55.57     1.05  -3.0  -3.6  90.0
RS 10  0.90  NI pnC #
  fst  09 20 07.193 +30 18 12.24     4.29  -2.0  -2.5  18.6
 nvss  09 20 06.93  +30 18 08.6      4.1  <50.5 <37.5
RS 11  0.91  NI pnC #
  fst  09 19 42.358 +30 27 29.81     2.21   7.6  -2.8  24.9
  fst  09 19 42.798 +30 27 40.06     0.99  -1.8  -3.9  41.7
 nvss  09 19 42.54  +30 27 26.8      5.5  <69.2 <32.6
RS 12  0.94  Id pnC #
  fst  09 20 01.331 +30 34 05.73    20.57  12.8   3.6  49.4
 nvss  09 20 01.45  +30 34 03.8     21.3  <23.6 <20.0
  apm  09 20 01.20  +30 34 05.1  -1 19.08   4.8  0.13  76    
                                 -1 19.85   6.4  0.16  82
 # Identification, star object, QSR? BL?
 # Cluster of more bright galaxies around this triple radio source.
RS 13  0.94  NI pnC #
  fst  09 20 38.057 +30 17 38.29     2.38   4.6  -1.8  66.6
 nvss  09 20 37.88  +30 17 42.4      2.8  <46.9 <46.9